More Than Medicine
More Than Medicine
DWDP: Genesis 1:24-25 - God Creates the Land Animals
Can humanity truly grasp the divine intricacy of creation? As you tune into More Than Medicine, let Dr. Robert Jackson guide you through a theological and biological exploration of Genesis 1:24-25. We unravel the profound connection between God’s provision and the natural world, reflecting on the Creator's care for all living beings. Discover the potent symbolism behind “let the earth bring forth” and its implications for our shared origins with the earth. This episode promises an insightful journey into understanding the eternal nature of the human spirit and the unique design of each creature, bounded by their own distinct DNA.
Join us for an enriching dialogue that seamlessly weaves scripture, science, and culture. With references to beloved cultural narratives like Disney's The Little Mermaid, we explore the divine boundaries of creation and the impossibility of species crossing, even in the world of fantasy. Dr. Jackson invites you to reflect upon God’s love and intricate design, offering a fresh perspective on the life that fills our planet. Gather your Bibles, and prepare for a thoughtful examination that not only enriches your faith but also deepens your appreciation for the world around you.
Welcome to More Than Medicine, where Jesus is more than enough for the ills that plague our culture and our country. Hosted by author and physician, Dr Robert Jackson.
Speaker 2:Papa, can you tell me a story? Do you really want me to tell you a story? Well, you go, get your brother and your sisters and I will tell you a story. Well, you go, get your brother and your sisters and I will tell you a story. Welcome to Devotions with Dr Papa. Gather around, grab your Bibles and let's look into the written word, which reveals to us the living word which is our Lord Jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:Today we are at Genesis, chapter 1, verses 24 and 25. Let me read the scripture to you and then we'll look into it. Verse 24, then God said Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth. After Now we'll stop there and I want to back up to last week's lesson, where we finished in verse 22. And we saw that God not only object of God's love, as men would be then. Animals are objects of God's concern and care. In Matthew 10, 29, the scripture tells us that God well, that not even a sparrow would fall to the ground without him noticing and caring. In the scripture, in the Sermon on the Mount, jesus tells us that the birds of the air do not sow, nor do they gather in the barns. But yet your Father in heaven cares for them. For you see, our God not only created the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, but he blessed them and he cares for them. He has concern for them, the blessing including a command, and this command was accompanied by his provision for their continued multiplication of the animals. He had created them so that they would soon occupy all parts of the world. Interestingly, he issued them a similar command after they left the ark, in Genesis, chapter 8 and verse 17, when he told them to multiply and replenish the earth.
Speaker 2:Now let's jump to verse 24 and let's talk about our scripture for today. First thing it says is Let the earth bring forth All the land. Animals were brought forth. That verse, that word brought forth, means that they were brought forth from the earth or the ground, that is, their bodies were composed of the same elements as the earth and when they died they would return to the earth.
Speaker 2:In chapter 2 and verse 7, we'll learn in a week or two that man is into them, the breath of life, and man became a living being with nephesh, that same word. That means a soul. However, the saying of pastors at funerals ashes to ashes, dust to dust. From the earth man is made and to the earth he shall return. That's not just a quote, that's sort of a poetic sort of thing that was conjured in the mind of some preacher long ago. It is actually theologically accurate. Man came from the earth, as did the land animals, and all of us returned there. All of us returned to the earth. The only difference is that man possesses soul, nephesh, and spirit, ruach, and the spirit of man lives forever.
Speaker 2:Now the next thing is he talks about living creatures after his kind. God created the living creatures after his kind. They were created their own kind, with their own unique DNA. Each species remains bound within transgression, outside of the boundaries of the species. Dogs cannot breed with cats and humans cannot breed with animals, and monkeys do not become humans. When my children were growing up, my daughters were fascinated with the Little Mermaid the.
Speaker 2:Disney cartoon movie and, if you remember, at one point the crab Sebastian gave wise advice to Ariel the little mermaid and he told her that he, as a crab, could not mate with the fish and she, the Little Mermaid, would never be able to mate with a human, even though she was in love with a man who was a human. That was sage advice and, you know, sebastian was correct. But it was only in the fantasy world of a Disney movie that Ariel one day became a human and was able to have a relationship with the man with whom she'd fallen into love. But in reality, sebastian, who was a very wise crab and had lots of aphorisms, lots of wise sayings throughout the movie, sebastian was correct Crabs couldn't mate with fish and mermaids don't mate with men, human beings. And you see, one kind cannot connect with another kind, they cannot transgress with another species. They're bound with the chains of their DNA.
Speaker 2:Now let's move on Land. Animals are categorized as cattle, creeping things and beasts of the earth. The cattle are the domesticated animals. The creeping things are the animals that crawl or creep close to the ground, such as insects, small reptiles, small amphibious animals and small mammals. The beasts of the earth are the larger mammals like lions or elephants or, long ago, the dinosaurs. Now I'll point out to you that there's no correlation at all to the arbitrary system of man-made taxonomy, which includes amphibians, reptiles, mammals, insects. That's a man-made and very arbitrary system of naming the animals. The natural system based on the relationship of the animals is based on the relationship of man, the animals to man's interest, and it's much more normal. All right now take note that all three categories of land animals were made immediately. Once again, there's no correlation to the evolutionary order. And if you note that the evolutionary order makes insects being made first, then amphibians, then reptiles, then larger land reptiles and then the birds, well, the Bible makes it plain that all of these were made, the land animals in one day, on the sixth day, but the birds were created on day five.
Speaker 2:Now do you understand how the imaginary theory of evolution is at odds at every turn with the biblical account, casting doubt on the authority of God's Word At every turn? Just like Satan, the evolutionist is asking the question Yea hath God said? The evolution is looking at you and saying Surely God didn't mean that, surely God didn't mean that. If Satan can cause you to doubt the credibility of the first 11 books of Genesis, then you will doubt the rest of God's Word. Now the world is fully prepared, its human inhabitants, who would be given dominion over it and be challenged to multiply and fill the earth, just as God has commanded the animals.
Speaker 2:God did not require billions of years, as the theistic evolutionist assert. He really didn't even need six days. He could have spoken all of this into existence in only one sentence. So why the six days? Have you ever wondered why it took God six days to speak the heavens and the earth and humankind into existence? Well, let me explain that to you. He was establishing a divine pattern of work and rest Six days for work and one day for rest, worship and cultivating our relationship with our Creator.
Speaker 2:Even today, we don't seriously take the need to rest in our Creator. On the seventh day, we may go to church for a couple of hours, but do we really spend the rest of that day focusing on our relationship with our Heavenly Father and resting in Him, abiding in His Word in prayer? I recall when I was a child that stores and restaurants were not open on Sundays and families spent Sunday in prayer and Bible reading, avoiding work, avoiding television and anything that prevented focusing on the Lord. Now, well, I'll say it this way Some of that, I realize realized was forced by blue laws and some of that was just genuine and from the heart, by serious Christian people seeking the Lord. My how times have changed and how we have departed from those days. Making the Lord and the Lord's day a priority in our lives and making that seventh day a real day of worship and rest and a day for cultivating a relationship with the Lord is a serious priority, and it was the pattern that God was establishing for us during that. Six days of creation and that one day of rest. Now making the land animals took only a portion of day six. The last part was yet to come, when he would make man and make him just a little lower than the angels, as the psalmist described it, and we will get to that in next week's lesson.
Speaker 2:Now I'm done with today's lesson, but before I leave you, I want to remind you that I have several books that I haven't mentioned in a while. But I want to take a few moments to mention some of the books that I've published. Some of my listeners ask me about them periodically. My latest book was the biography about my father on laughter silvered wings, which can be obtained at Amazon or at Courier Publishing. You can go to my website and look Jackson Family Ministry and you can find the book. I've been getting some really good reviews on my dad's biography on Laughter Silvered Wings. As I've told you before, my father was a family doctor in the lower part of the state of South Carolina. He was the youngest of nine children. He was a highly decorated Vietnam War veteran and a political activist and a really, really great dad and I highly commend the book to you. I think you will find it intriguing, very interesting.
Speaker 2:My first book was the Family Doctor Speaks the Truth About Life, which was a pro-life book. My second book was the Family Doctor Speaks the Truth About Seed Planting Equipping Believers for Evangelism. And the third book was the Family Doctor Speaks Turkey Tales and Bible Truths, and it's a book about turkey, hunting and deer hunting. But each story segues immediately into a Bible teaching and I think you will enjoy that one as well. All of these can be found on my website or at Amazon or the Courier Publishing. The first book, truth About Life, you can find at Zulon X-U-L-O-N. Zulon Press. Well, thank you very kindly. I hope you will check out some of my books. My next book is at the publisher. It'll be out very soon and when it's available I will certainly let you know. All right, we'll be back next week. Until then, I hope you'll pray for me. My wife and I will be in Thailand the last 10 days in January. We'll be teaching pastors in Thailand. She'll be teaching pastors' wives and we'll covet your prayers. Thank you kindly, and may the Lord bless you.
Speaker 1:real good Thank you for listening to this edition of More Than Medicine. For more information about the Jackson Family Ministry, dr Jackson's books or to schedule a speaking engagement, go to their Facebook page, instagram or their webpage at jacksonfamilyministrycom. This podcast is produced by Bob Sloan Audio Production at bobsloancom.