More Than Medicine
More Than Medicine
Interview with Evan Mulch - Health Freedom and Patriotism
Evan Mulch's journey into Christian patriotism was ignited by his father's battle with cancer and a growing skepticism towards the conventional healthcare system. Join us as Evan, from the United Patriots Alliance, shares how these experiences, alongside insights from G. Edward Griffin, propelled him into advocating for health freedom and natural remedies. Discover how Evan's distrust of the established medical industry and the deep state's influence has shaped his mission to uphold American values, especially in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. His story is a testament to the power of personal experiences in reshaping our beliefs and actions.
Controversy sparks conversation as we scrutinize Governor McMaster's appointment of Dr. Simmer as head of South Carolina's new Department of Public Health. Explore why Republicans and other informed citizens are questioning Dr. Simmer’s alignment with CDC directives and his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. We examine the skepticism surrounding the vaccine and the contentious motives suspected in Dr. Simmer’s appointment, all while emphasizing the role of community engagement in aligning healthcare with spiritual and national values. Dive into the goals of the United Patriots Alliance and consider further exploration with the Jackson Family Ministry for deeper insights into the intersection of faith, health, and patriotism.
Welcome to More Than Medicine, where Jesus is more than enough for the ills that plague our culture and our country. Hosted by author and physician, dr Robert Jackson, and his wife Carlotta and daughter Hannah Miller. So listen up, because the doctor is in.
Speaker 2:Welcome to More Than Medicine. I'm your host, dr Robert Jackson, bringing to you biblical insights and stories from the country doctor's rusty, dusty scrapbook. Well, today I'm delighted to have as my guest Evan Mulch. Evan is with United Patriots Alliance and he's been a friend of mine for a number of years. Evan, welcome to More Than Medicine.
Speaker 3:Thanks for having me, Dr Jackson. I'm glad to be here.
Speaker 2:Well, I'm delighted to have you once again Now if you would tell my listening audience a little bit about yourself and your affiliation with United Patriots Alliance, and then we'll dive into our subject matter for today.
Speaker 3:Well, a little bit about myself. I'm a Christian patriot. I jumped into this patriotism about 12 to 13 years ago because I was upset at the cancer industry and I wanted people to have health freedom to where they could use what they wanted to use to heal their bodies. And specifically, what happened? My father came down with a stage four diagnosis of cancer and I thought the best treatment for him was not in America, but it was actually in Mexico and due to the progression of the cancer, I wasn't able to take him to Mexico. But I learned from a man named G Edward Griffin who's well known for writing the book Creek, the creature of Jekyll Island. He wrote a book called the world without cancer back in the I think it was at the early 1970s, that's correct and there's a documentary about it that I watched.
Speaker 3:That really got me thinking that maybe they're purposely hiding remedies that are low cost and easy. Well, they should be easy to get, that you know. Natural God, god, made remedies that are being hidden from the public, and it's. It's taken me through the process of fighting not for just health, freedom, rights, but for other rights as well, because once you start this process of being a patriotic American Christian, and if you truly try to love your neighbor at all times, you realize there's all sorts of other things that happen where I guess we call it the deep state at this point. So I'll say that the deep state has its tentacles in all sorts of things in order to make people unhealthy and to sort of imprison them to a new world order system that's completely foreign to what Americans have ever been, with our principles and with our Declaration of Independence and our biblical understanding of things. The New World Order system is completely contradictory to what we want to fit ourselves into.
Speaker 2:Now do people look at you like you've got two heads when you say things like that?
Speaker 3:Yeah, it used to be the case At Republican Party meetings about ten years ago. I was really ostracized for saying some things like that. Yeah, it used to be the case At Republican Party meetings about 10 years ago. I was really ostracized for saying some things like this. But when the I guess we can call it the planned Deming, because we know it was planned but during the COVID-19 experience, a lot of people had time to spend on the internet that they hadn't had before and I think a lot of conversations happened that wouldn't have happened otherwise. And and during that time period is when I I feel like the, the, the american people, sort of caught up with people like me yep, you're right, and really the real difference I had compared to others.
Speaker 3:I I was very fortunate to have a business where I could work at home, and so, prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, I spent a lot of my time on the Internet and since I had a Christian background, I was always following Christ, and so I had this worldview and I had this code in life to follow Christ, and so I had this.
Speaker 3:You know this, this worldview and this. You know, I had had this code in life to follow Christ. And, and so when I, when I did searches on the internet, and when I was trying to figure things out, I I came to conclusions on things that others, um 10 years ago, hadn't figured out yet. Uh, but uh, you know. Thank God for everything that's happened, because a lot of people have caught up to me and some people are even proving to be better at this than me at this point and I say that as humbly as possible, because I did feel like for a long time, I was one of the only ones in the Republican Party in South Carolina that felt the way I felt, according to what was going on- Well, covid-19 sure pulled the scab off and it sure helped a lot of people to see what our government was doing to cover up and what it was doing to cause ill health in a lot of people.
Speaker 2:And the CDC and the NIH and the FDA were in cahoots to cause a lot of damage to average citizens and it caused a lot of people to realize that they're not doing things in our best interest. And, of course, a lot of people still don't see that and they're still blind to it. But there's a lot more people, evan, that are seeing what you saw 12 years ago and what I began to see four or five years ago. I was starting to see it before COVID but I really had my eyes open with the pandemic and I mean it was on a real fast learning curve with the pandemic and I think I've caught up with you and I'm a fellow traveler with you now. So anyway, but that's not our conversation for today.
Speaker 2:But here's my conversation for today is our governor has appointed Dr Simmer, who was in charge of DHEC, to be in charge of the new division that our state government has created for the public health service or department I think it's called now, and it's the same guy that was in charge before now still in charge, and I find that problematic, as do a lot of other people in South Carolina, and I want to ask you why. Why are so many rank-and-file citizens, primarily informed Republicans who've had the scab pulled off, the blinders taken off their eyes? Why are they in such an uproar about our governor appointing Dr Simmer to this position as head of the newly formed public health department in South Carolina? Why is that so problematic?
Speaker 3:Well, I think it really is the big question why would Governor McMaster do this? There's plenty of other people in South Carolina that are capable of running organizations and it's quite obvious that Dr Simmer proved himself to be incapable of handling the COVID-19 situation the way it should have been handled. That being said, we know Governor McMaster he and his wife both took the COVID-19. I call it the poison death shot because I think that's what it really is, although I don't think it's going to kill everybody that took the shot. But it's a slow kill for a lot of people and my hope is that a lot of people that took it they took it late in the process, to where it wasn't as powerful maybe as it was when it was first being given. But your guess is as good as mine what the long-term ramifications are for people who have taken it. But Governor McMaster, on his own social media page for I think Facebook, or maybe it was Twitter at the time he posted photos of he and his wife taking the shots, of him and his wife taking the shots, and he has not repented or expressed any remorse for pushing this agenda on South Carolinians. That being said, governor McMaster is quite a classy guy. He's got the type of personality where you would want somebody like that leading an organization. Of course you'd want somebody like that to be moral and to be wise enough not to fall prey to deep state events like what happened with COVID-19. So you have to wonder why he would pick somebody like Dr Simmer, who really has a I can't call it strange, because I have a lot of friends with the same personality, but he's it's really a low-key personality where it doesn't seem like in Dr Simmer's head like there's very much going on with his creative thinking. He seems to be basically a repeater of what he's being told, which, from my standpoint, I don't like that in a leader. I like a leader that thinks for himself and that will stand boldly for truth, and Dr Simmer certainly isn't that person.
Speaker 3:So if the question is, why was it that Governor McMaster named him Dr Simmer, as this new director of of Department of Public Health? I think it probably comes down to money, or blackmail is what it comes down to, and we can't jump to any conclusions because there's no evidence that I see that it could be blackmail. Now, when it comes to money, we know that when it comes to campaigns, a large class of donors comes from the large health groups like Prisma Health, blue Cross, blue Shield and so on and so forth, shield and so on and so forth. But, governor McMaster, he's almost finished his time in office and I don't think he's going to. He's at the age where I don't think he's going to continue on much longer. Maybe he will, but it would be a pleasant thing to see him bow out soon and not continue his path of being political. But he is certainly leading this state in the wrong direction by appointing Dr Simmer.
Speaker 2:Well, I tell you, I saw Dr Simmer testify before the Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee down in Columbia. I was there and you know he stood there. He was the only person in the room wearing a mask. And this was after the whole mask fiasco was totally debunked and everybody understood that masks were ineffective. And there he was, the head of DHEC in South Carolina, still wearing a mask, and he stood in front of all the senators and wore a mask and gave his testimony and then he defended the vaccine and all he did was repeat all the CDC party line and didn't have an original thought of his own.
Speaker 2:And it was apparent to me that he was just a CDC toady and it was laughable.
Speaker 2:You know, and all the information about the dangers of the COVID vaccine had fully come out and you know they were now in. They were at that time on the third and fourth variation of the vaccine and less than 16 percent of Americans were willing to get that variation of the vaccine. Their eyes were opened and they were fully aware of the dangers of blood clots, strokes, heart attacks, sudden death and people were not willing to take the vaccine anymore. And yet he was still pushing the Pfizer-CDC-FDA party line and promoting the vaccine. And it was foolishness and I couldn't believe that he was not any more aware of the dangers of the vaccine than he was, and yet there he was, wearing the mask and promoting the vaccine. And we'd had medical professionals stand up and recite all the dangers of the vaccine before he stood up to speak, and yet he went on and vaccine before he stood up to speak. And yet he went on and stated all the CDC party line, after all these experts had verified the dangers and ineffectiveness of the vaccine.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and an honest man, after he heard you and the others speak, would have gone up to the, the place where the microphone it was, and they would have said, okay, I, I had my presentation. I've listened to all these speakers speak and I've I've got to tell you I sense that maybe I'm incorrect in what I've been, what I've been telling the public- or at least what the cdc has been telling me. Yes.
Speaker 2:You know I need to reconsider, but no, he just went forward with the party line that he'd been fed from the CDC and Dr Fauci all along and didn't even pause, didn't hesitate. And then for McMaster to appoint him all over again without hesitation is appalling and South Carolinians are in an uproar about it and I've spoken to senators who are shocked that McMaster would appoint him.
Speaker 3:Well, in organizations where you have a leader who is corrupt or doesn't want anybody to topple him as the leader, the people you put below you are yes-men.
Speaker 2:And Semmer's definitely a yes-man. There's no doubt about that. He doesn't have an original thought in his head and he is definitely a yes-man. And I'm encouraging my listeners to call your senators and say to them do not approve the appointment of Dr Simmer because he does not function in the best interest of the citizens of South Carolina. And what really galls me, evan, is that he's out there promoting vaccines for children. The CDC has put the COVID vaccine on the children's vaccine list and you know children get 76 vaccines on the CDC protocol now and they've added the COVID vaccine to that list. And children are not at risk of dying from COVID. And why they would add the COVID vaccine to the pediatric CDC list is beyond me. And you know the risk of a child dying from COVID is less than 0.5 percent. And to add that COVID vaccine with all of its dangers and risks is bizarre. And here's Dr Simmer promoting that CDC protocol for children and it's incredulous.
Speaker 3:Yeah, unless they're trying to intentionally make kids sick and addicted to the services provided by today's health care system and there are some good services provided by today's health care system. The cancer industry about 12, 13 years ago is that there is a desire to get people to move a certain way with what protocols and treatments they go through when they experience symptoms. And I don't know. I mean, I had an allergic reaction to a tetanus shot when I was, I think, in fourth or fifth grade and I was out of it for three days and I don't even remember what happened during that three-day period, because I was on my family's couch in our living room for three days and every time I stood up I'd get dizzy and I'd fall back on the couch and I'd go back to sleep and After that my medical doctor my family doctor told my dad that I was not allowed to take any more vaccines.
Speaker 2:Well, good for your doctor.
Speaker 3:Yeah, but there's a lot of us that have, I think, that have been outspoken patriots, that have had experiences like that as kids, that had had experiences like that as kids where we did go through some struggles and we realized that there was something wrong with the way our parents were being guided. And I you know my dad suffered a lot from that because he's the one that took me to the doctor and wanted me to take that and you know, he watched me go through. He watched me go through this time of suffering. But what I always try to leave because Simmer obviously has been on the wrong side it's evil, it's actually murderous. From my belief system.
Speaker 3:I believe if you're in a government position like he is, and you're pushing the CDC recommended vaccines, which now includes the COVID-19 vaccine, you're actually a murderer, in my opinion, because it's and I know that sounds bold- yeah but if it's, if it's gonna kill a certain amount of kids and we know that this is the fact and and there's no warning to parents in in the guidelines that you're, you know this could happen to your child and if you're in a government position and you're not sounding the alarm bells, hey, there could be this repercussion that happens by doing this. Well then, I don't know, maybe Mr Simmer is completely oblivious to what was going on, what's going on, but I just don't think he's a medical doctor.
Speaker 2:He should know, he should be informed about the dangers of the COVID vaccine. There's plenty of information out there. Even the CDC has reports about how the vaccine causes myocarditis in pediatric patients and adolescents, especially adolescents who are athletic. And what child is not involved in athletics? I have quotes from the CDC that talks about myocarditis and sudden death in adolescents who receive the COVID vaccine, and I've recommended my adolescent patients who participate in sports not to receive the COVID vaccine because their risk of myocarditis and sudden death is exponentially higher. And, like I say, what child is not involved in some type of physical exertion, in athletics? And he should know that he's a medical doctor. So, anyway, our time is running out. Evan, we're about to run out of time and I just want to say thank you for your input and your concern. I appreciate your experience and your involvement with United Patriots Alliance. We've got about one more minute. You got any closing remarks?
Speaker 3:Yeah, well, I want to let the listeners know we're going to come out bolder and bolder and bolder against what's going on. I'm meeting with some people later today. We're going to have radio ads, all sorts of advertising, soon, I believe, because we're going to put a lot of money into running a campaign to stop Dr Simmer from getting appointed. I think this is a really big moment for us because if we stop his appointment, it's going to send a message not just to the governor but to everybody who's pushing this agenda. And I'll leave it with that. Dr Jackson, of course I always like to let everybody know. I mean I couldn't do this without following Jesus Christ. I mean the amount of fear that can be pushed on people can only be overcome by following Him. I believe that's my belief. And these people push fear and they try to make you nervous, and it's biblical scripture and just faith in Him that gets me through the toughest of times.
Speaker 2:That's right. God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of love and faith and a sound mind, and we have to go forward in the courage and the boldness that the Lord gives us. All right, you're listening to More Than Medicine. I'm your host, dr Robert Jackson. My guest today is Evan Mulch with United Patriots Alliance, and I appreciate you listening in. We'll be back again next week and the Lord bless you.
Speaker 1:Thank you for listening to this edition of More Than Medicine. For more information about the Jackson Family Ministry, dr Jackson's books, or to schedule a speaking engagement, go to their Facebook page, instagram or their webpage at jacksonfamilyministrycom. This podcast is produced by Bob Sloan Audio Production at bobsloancom.