More Than Medicine

DWDP: Daniel 12 - The Great Tribulation

Dr. Robert E. Jackson Season 2 Episode 228

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Can the ancient prophecies of Daniel shed light on our modern world? Join us as we unpack the final chapter of the book of Daniel and its striking relevance to today. From Daniel 12:4-12, we discuss why Daniel was told to seal up his visions until the end times, and how our current era’s knowledge explosion fits into this prophecy. You'll hear a comparison between the natural human understanding of God and the deeper spiritual insights granted to Christians. Our discussion highlights the severe end-time tribulations, the purification of the faithful, and the prophetic timeline of three and a half years of intense persecution. Discover how the wickedness of those following the Antichrist grows, while true spiritual comprehension is granted to those who are born again.

Shifting gears, we delve into Matthew 24 to clarify its focus on the great tribulation, distinguishing it from the rapture discussed in 1 Thessalonians 4. We'll explore the purification process of the Jewish people during this tumultuous period, the separation of the righteous from the wicked, and the resurrection promise given to Daniel. Learn about the four distinct parts of the resurrection and the contrasting promises given to Old Testament and tribulation saints compared to today's believers in Jesus Christ. Stick around for a sneak peek at our upcoming discussions, where we'll share unique biblical insights drawn from experiences in the medical field. This episode promises to enrich your understanding of scripture and prophecy through an engaging and thought-provoking exploration.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to More Than Medicine, where Jesus is more than enough for the ills that plague our culture and our country. Hosted by author and physician, Dr Robert Jackson.

Speaker 2:

Papa, can you tell me a story? Do you really want me to tell you a story? Well, you go, get your brother and your sisters and I will tell you a story. Well, you go, get your brother and your sisters and I will tell you a story. Welcome to Devotions with Dr Papa. Gather around and grab your Bible and let's take a look into the written word, which reveals to us the living word which is our Lord Jesus Christ, us the living word, which is our Lord Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

Today, we are now at the last chapter of the book of Daniel. It has been many weeks that we've been studying in the book of Daniel. Before we begin, I want to say thank you to those of you who, every week that I see in my medical office or at church or around the community, who tell me that you listen to devotions with Dr Papa and that you enjoy listening. I am grateful when you say to me that you enjoy listening to devotions with Dr Papa. I thank you for listening and I wish you'd tell all your friends about this podcast. So let's look at the book of Daniel, chapter 12. And we're going to start today with verse 4 and we're going to go down initially to verse 12. Let me read a couple of verses first, starting with verse 4. But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book, or the scroll, as it may be, until the end of time.

Speaker 2:

Many will go back and forth and knowledge will increase. This book or a scroll, as it probably was in Daniel's time, was to be sealed until the time of the end, until the time of the great tribulation. Men would increase in knowledge, they would increase in information. In fact, the time that we live in today is often called the information age because of the amount of knowledge, the amount of information that is available to us today. In fact, I can pick up my cell phone and I can just speak into it and ask a question about just about anything and in a matter of seconds it will give me an answer to my question. So information is freely available to you and me. So information is freely available to you and me. Knowledge has increased astronomically in the last decade, but our knowledge of God will be severely lacking, Not for you and me as Christian people, because we have the Word of God available to us.

Speaker 2:

The Bible tells us that the natural man, that's, the lost man, the natural man, his knowledge of God is severely lacking and in fact, his knowledge, he considers it foolishness. But in contradistinction, the spiritual man, the Christian man, he appraises or understands all things. He understands spiritual things because the Spirit of God gives him understanding. And when you read the Word of God, the Spirit gives you comprehension of spiritual truth, truth. This book of Daniel will be Israel's last warning during the tribulation before Messiah's return.

Speaker 2:

If you skip down to verses 8 and 9, these verses tell us, he says as for me, I heard but could not understand. Now there was questions going back and forth in the previous verses and there was a question about when will these things take place and how long will these things take place, and there were angels who were asking and answering questions. But in verse 8, Daniel said he heard but he did not understand. So he says my Lord, what will be the outcome of these events? And the angel said to him he said, Daniel, go your way, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. So Daniel did not comprehend and he was not given an explanation. Now go to verses 9 and 10. And the angel said to Daniel go your way, for these words are concealed and sealed up until the end time. And then he goes on to say that many will be purged and purified and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand. But those who have insight will understand, they will comprehend. Now, who has insight, those who are saved, those who are born again, will have spiritual comprehension.

Speaker 2:

So let's talk about these verses a minute. That question is asked who will understand and how long shall it be? From the time of the intense persecution of Israel until the end? So go all the way back to verse 5, and there's the question. Then I, Daniel, looked and behold, two others were standing, one on this bank of the river and the other on that bank of the river, and one said to the man dressed in linen who is above the waters of the river how long will it be until the end of these wonders? I heard the man dressed in linen who is above the waters of the river as he raised his right hand and his left hand toward heaven and swore by him, who lives forever, that it would be for a time. That's one year times plural, that's two years and half a time, and the total is three and a half years, and as soon as they finish shattering the power of the holy people, all these events would be completed. And in verse 8, as we said before. As for me, I heard but could not not understand. So let's go through it again A time one year times two years and a half a time, the total is three and a half years altogether.

Speaker 2:

So verse 10 informs us that some will not bow to Antichrist. Let me read verse 10. Many will be purged, purified and refined. So there are going to be some who are not going to bow the knee to Antichrist during that time. But through these testings they shall come out pure and clean and without fault. However, the Bible tells us that the wicked shall increase their wickedness and they will be consenting to Antichrist and his wishes. The end of that verse says but the wicked will act wickedly and none of the wicked will understand. But those who have insight will understand. Who has insight, those who have been born again, those who have spiritual eyes to see, those who have spiritual comprehension. Then we move to verses 11 and 12.

Speaker 2:

From the time that the regular sacrifice is abolished, sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. How does Daniel know this? Only by divine revelation. You see, this angel is giving Daniel divine revelation and this information is going to be available to the Jews who are in the tribulation time. This will be their blueprint for surviving the great tribulation. So let me read it again From the time of the regular sacrifice, that the regular sacrifice is abolished and the abomination of desolation is set up. Now, what is that? Abomination of desolation is set up. Now, what is that abomination of desolation? It's when Antichrist stops the regular sacrifice in the temple and he sets himself up to be worshiped as God. From that time, this angel is saying to Daniel that there will be 1,290 days, and then he pronounces a blessing. He said how blessed is he who keeps waiting and attains to the 1,335 days. Now, what is that referring to? There's a disparity between these two numbers of days. The disparity is 45 days. So let me just read something to you. There's a difference of 45 days. From the time the daily sacrifice is taken away to the end of Antichrist reign is 1,290 days. There is a blessing offered for those who are able to be present at the end of the 1,335 days.

Speaker 2:

Therefore, as we read the 24th chapter of Matthew we learn of the purging and judging of Israel, of those Jewish people who come out of the great tribulation alive. Matthew 24, verses 37 to 42, clearly states that when Messiah, the Lord Jesus, appears after the great tribulation, he shall judge His people. Those who believe not shall be taken to judgment and death, just as when the flood came and took unbelievers away to death at the time of Noah, while those who are believers in the Messiah shall be allowed to remain and go into the golden age of Messiah's millennium. We are thus led to believe that the purging and judging of Israel will take these 45 days, and he who shall endure unto the end, the end of the 45 days, shall be saved, which is what Matthew 24 and verse 13 says. Now let me read those verses in Matthew so you'll know exactly what we're talking about Matthew 24, verse 37 to 42. For the coming of the Son of man will be just like the days of Noah, For as in those days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not understand Until the flood came and took them all away. So will the coming of the Son of man be. Then there will be two men in the field, and one will be taken and one will be left. Two women will be grinding at the mill. One will be taken and one will be left. Therefore, be on the alert, For you do not know which day your Lord is coming Now.

Speaker 2:

I realize that many read this passage and they think that it's talking about the rapture of the church, but clearly that is not so. This entire chapter 24 in Matthew is talking about the great tribulation, not the rapture of the church, which is referred to in 1 Thessalonians, chapter 4. This passage is talking about the refining, the purging and the cleansing of the Jewish people during the great tribulation, and that's why verse 13 in Matthew 24 says this but the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. So there will be those Jews in the tribulation time who do not bow the knee to antichrist. There will be those who accept the mark of the beast and they will be wicked and they will do wickedly. And during this 45 days of refining and purging and cleansing those who were Antichrist crowd, they will be separated away, and this is when the sheep and the goats will be separated one from another. Now, why will it take 45 days? I can't answer that. Could he do it in a moment, in an instant? I'm sure he could, but for some reason it's going to take 45 days and I don't have an answer for that question.

Speaker 2:

And then it brings us to the very last verse in the book of Daniel, and this is a very interesting verse. Let me see what it says. But as for you, Daniel, Go your way to the end, Then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allotted portion at the end of the age. Now pay close attention to what this verse is saying to Daniel. It's a message of hope to Daniel, a message of encouragement to Daniel. There were a lot of questions that Daniel had at the end of chapter 12, questions that were not answered, but in the conclusion, God gives Daniel a message of hope. Remember, Daniel has been in Babylon for all of his adult life. He's probably in his 80s. He knows that the time of captivity is going to come to a conclusion, but he's probably not going back to Israel, he's not going back to the promised land. His life is coming to a conclusion, but yet God says to him Daniel, go your way to the end, Then you will enter into rest. That means death, but you will rise again. What is he talking about? So let's talk about it.

Speaker 2:

The last verse of Daniel assures this godly prophet, this most beloved and highly esteemed man, of his own resurrection. He, like all Old Testament saints and dead tribulation saints, shall have his resurrection at the end of the days, at the end of tribulation. Now, you remember we talked about this last week in our last podcast that the resurrection is in four parts, and the fourth part is the resurrection of the Old Testament and tribulation saints, that's recognized as the gleanings, which takes place at the end of the tribulation. And God is promising Daniel that he will have his resurrection at the end of the tribulation, along with all the Old Testament saints and those saints who die during the tribulation, and that he will stand in his own lot, that portion of land apportioned to his tribe, his family, in the land of Israel. But after he is raised from the dead. Now here he is in Babylon, a captive, never again to see his beloved land in this life. But he is being fully guaranteed that he would not only see his native Israel, but he would live there under his own vine, under his own fig tree after his resurrection and probably during the millennial reign of Christ.

Speaker 2:

Truly, this is a blessed promise to the prophet, but you see, it's an earthly promise, not a heavenly promise. And you see, brothers and sisters, this is a great contrast to the promise that God has given for you and me. Jew or Gentile who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ during this earthly life, during this life in which we live today, when we accept the Messiah and the Savior, during this life, the promise for you and me is a heavenly promise. Our blessings are heavenly and spiritual. You see, the Bible says Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. That's Ephesians, chapter 1 and verse 3. Let me read that verse to you again Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. You see, our citizenship is in heaven. Added to this blessing is the promise that we shall be with the Lord Jesus Christ forever. To be absent from the body is to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. That ends our study of the book of Daniel, Let me tell you what we're going to be doing next.

Speaker 2:

I decided that for the next few weeks, I'm going to share with you biblical insights that I have gained from my own medical practice. I'm not going to give it away, but I'm going to be sharing with you things that I have learned from my medical practice over the years that have given me greater insight into the scriptures, Things that I have learned that helped me understand the Bible or, conversely, the things that the Bible helps me to understand from encounters that I have had with my patients and with things that I do every day as a medical practitioner. I think you will enjoy some of these lessons as we go forward. Well, that ends today's lesson. If you like it, I pray that you would follow like share, or better, I pray that you would download it, even if only for a week, because it's only downloads that I can use to monitor how many folks are following devotions with Dr Papa.

Speaker 2:

I'd also like to remind you of my latest book, the Family Doctor Speaks, but it's a book about my dad. It's entitled On Laughter speaks, but it's a book about my dad. It's entitled On Laughter Silvered Wings. I've been getting lots of very positive feedback about the book. It can be obtained from Amazon or the Baptist Courier Press, or you can send a notice to Jackson Family Ministry and tell us that you're interested in a book and we'll certainly mail it to you. That ends our podcast for today and we'll be back again next week. May the Lord bless you real good.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to this edition of More Than Medicine. For more information about the Jackson Family Ministry, dr Jackson's books, or to schedule a speaking engagement, go to their Facebook page, instagram or their webpage at jacksonfamilyministrycom. This podcast is produced by Bob Sloan Audio Production at bobsloancom.

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