More Than Medicine

Unmasking Medical Censorship and Championing Patient Rights: Insights with Dr. JP Saleeby

June 15, 2024 Dr. Robert E. Jackson / Dr. JP Saleeby Season 2 Episode 227
Unmasking Medical Censorship and Championing Patient Rights: Insights with Dr. JP Saleeby
More Than Medicine
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More Than Medicine
Unmasking Medical Censorship and Championing Patient Rights: Insights with Dr. JP Saleeby
Jun 15, 2024 Season 2 Episode 227
Dr. Robert E. Jackson / Dr. JP Saleeby

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Unlock groundbreaking insights into early COVID-19 treatments with Dr. JP Saleeby as we explore the revolutionary work of the Frontline COVID Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Learn about the organization's courageous use of repurposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the formidable censorship they faced from pharmaceutical giants and academic institutions. Hear Dr. Saleeby's updates on the dynamic leadership of Dr. Joe Verone and the FLCCC's expanded focus on metabolic diseases, cancer, and mental health. Plus, get the inside scoop on the vital importance of uncensored medical discourse and the creation of an unbiased medical journal to drive scientific innovation.

Discover how the Physicians for Freedom movement is championing the collective power of physicians in legislative matters, spotlighting the successful passage of the Help Not Harm bill in South Carolina. We delve into the influence of international bodies like the WHO on national medical practices and highlight the urgency for local medical communities to stand united. Concluding with a rallying call, we invite more physicians to join the South Carolina Physicians for Freedom organization to ensure their voices shape the future of healthcare legislation.

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Unlock groundbreaking insights into early COVID-19 treatments with Dr. JP Saleeby as we explore the revolutionary work of the Frontline COVID Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). Learn about the organization's courageous use of repurposed drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and the formidable censorship they faced from pharmaceutical giants and academic institutions. Hear Dr. Saleeby's updates on the dynamic leadership of Dr. Joe Verone and the FLCCC's expanded focus on metabolic diseases, cancer, and mental health. Plus, get the inside scoop on the vital importance of uncensored medical discourse and the creation of an unbiased medical journal to drive scientific innovation.

Discover how the Physicians for Freedom movement is championing the collective power of physicians in legislative matters, spotlighting the successful passage of the Help Not Harm bill in South Carolina. We delve into the influence of international bodies like the WHO on national medical practices and highlight the urgency for local medical communities to stand united. Concluding with a rallying call, we invite more physicians to join the South Carolina Physicians for Freedom organization to ensure their voices shape the future of healthcare legislation.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to More Than Medicine, where Jesus is more than enough for the ills that plague our culture and our country. Hosted by author and physician, dr Robert Jackson, and his wife Carlotta and daughter Hannah Miller. So listen up, because the doctor is in.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to More Than Medicine. I'm your host, dr Robert Jackson, bringing to you biblical insights and stories from the country doctors' rusty, dusty scrapbook. Well, I'm delighted today to have as my guest Dr JP Salibi from down in Charleston, south Carolina. Welcome, jp, I'm glad to have you on More Than Medicine.

Speaker 3:

Robert, it's good to be back with you.

Speaker 2:

Dr Salibi, it's always a privilege to have you on More Than Medicine. Robert, it's good to be back with you. Well, dr Salibi, it's always a privilege to have you on More Than Medicine. Well, the question of the day is I understand that there have been some changes at FLCCC. If you would tell my listeners what FLCCC is all about and what that stands for, and if you would share with us what are some of the changes that are taking place at FLCCC is all about what that stands for, and if you would share with us what are some of the changes that are taking place at FLCCC?

Speaker 3:

Sure, Well, it's the FLCCC, the Frontline COVID Critical Care Alliance. This was spawned about four years ago. They just recently celebrated their four-year anniversary. There were about eight or so founding members and these were all colleagues in critical care and outpatient medicine. That took the bull by the horns, if you will, and because the pandemic response was not very good by the government or the CDC, they elected to kind of promote early treatment with repurposed drugs and it was very successful. The folks they've treated, the protocols they've come up with and actually I was on a committee with them to help with the long COVID protocols. But they were very successful, had a very, very low death and hospitalization rate and promoting things like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin and some nutraceutical bundles that help keep people safe and out of the hospital.

Speaker 3:

But I know I remember, robert, when I first got to get to know you you were actually on their program a couple years ago and I've been on their panel as an advisory board member and recently there's been a change in the leadership where Dr Joe Verone, who is an intensivist he's a hospital intensive care doctor is now at the helm.

Speaker 3:

He's the newly elected president of the organization and chief medical officer and he has put together a team of national and international fellows. They call their senior fellows and I was one of eight appointed my. My focus is on integrative and holistic medicine, but we have others and other disciplines, and that was announced a couple of weeks ago. And then they've announced recently some international fellows from all over different countries Brazil, spain, germany, uk, the whole thing. So the goal is to expand the offerings and the focus of that organization beyond COVID to take on other things like metabolic disease, cancer and mental health issues. So a good thing's coming. Dr Verone is going to head the charge to develop a medical journal that will be unbiased and will not censor. So we're out there. These announcements have been made over the last two weeks and I'm looking very forward to these positive changes in that organization and future medical conferences things like that to be planned.

Speaker 2:

Amen and hallelujah, because you know that medical science does not progress without medical discourse, which was dramatically censored during COVID. There was no opportunity for doctors and physicians to share ideas during COVID because of censorship, and this is a brilliant idea to provide a medical journal and opportunities for physicians to share their ideas about medical treatment without censorship. What a brilliant, brilliant idea.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's been a challenge for folks to publish in the last four or so years, especially Now. There's always been some censorship and some cherry picking of studies, usually by the pharmaceutical industry, and they put the kibosh on really good trials that people work really hard to put together and then they can't get them published. But that got really bad, starting about three, three and a half years ago, where some really good studies on early treatment and some studies on the warnings about the vaccines have not been published. They've been declined journal after journal after journal, and I was a victim of that Me and Matt Halma, who's a researcher from Canada, and Paul Merrick, one of the co-founders of FLCCC. We finally got a study published about how autophagy affects the spike protein from the virus, and that was after almost seven rejections from other journals. So we finally got a journal to publish our work. It's more of an obscure journal but at least it got published to publish our work.

Speaker 2:

It's more of an obscure journal, but at least it got published. Yes, if anybody has read Pierre Corey's book about ivermectin and the war on ivermectin, they will understand how so many excellent articles were written about repurposed drugs like ivermectin and they were squashed by the pharmaceutical companies and academia and these medical articles from all over the world never made it into the mainstream medical journals because of censorship. And it was such a shame because there are lots of medical doctors out there who are good practitioners but they were kept in the dark about ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine and the damages and dangers of the vaccines, simply because of censorship. And that was a cry in shame. And I would strongly recommend that our listeners pay attention to Dr Corey's book, the War on Ivermectin, because when you read that book you will see the concerted, organized war on the repurposed drugs and the organized censorship of medical research.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yeah, it is. It's just it's how politics have put the pressure on science. So really, you know science is science and it should not have that hurdle to overcome. But you know the reality. Is you kind of funny, I'm sorry? You kind of follow the money trail and and it's that usually will tell you why things are as they are.

Speaker 2:

Let me say again that science, medical science in particular, advances because of the free exchange of ideas and the free medical discourse that is necessary between physicians and in academia. And during COVID that was pretty much shut down. Doctors were not allowed to discuss case reports. They were not allowed to discuss what was happening with their patients and how a repurposed drug was benefiting their patient. We couldn't tell other doctors or write an article about how ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine was benefiting their patient. Nor could we say that the new vaccines were hurtful or harmful to our patients, and that was not a good thing. It was harmful to our patients and you know that was a scenario that played out not just in the United States but all around the world.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, absolutely. You know, when you go to a conference or you go to you know, grand rounds, you should have the ability to openly discuss things that you've observed and if you see patients having a hard time with a particular medication, you should not be reprimanded for bringing that up. And that's exactly what happened to one of my nurse practitioners. She was working at a weight loss center and they were heavy into prescribing Wagovi and Ozempic and she noticed a number of her patients having acute renal failure and when she brought it up at the discussion at the staff meeting she was reprimanded and she was written up for bringing it up at the meeting. So she knew that wasn't the right place for her. So she she kind of quit that practice and then had joined our our group.

Speaker 2:

Now who are some of the new names and faces at FLCCC that are being brought on board.

Speaker 3:

Well, there's a number of old standbys that were always involved early on with our group. Dr Suzanne Gosda is a neurologist in Texas. She's a senior fellow in neurological and brain cognition function. And there's Jordan Vaughn. Dr Vaughn is an Alabama doctor who has an interest in clotting disorders and microclotting. And then Dr Elizabeth Mumford, a pediatrician. She's always been involved in safe vaccine schedules for children and pediatric issues. That's just a few of the eight that have kind of started as the first set of senior fellows.

Speaker 3:

Now there's a whole host of international fellows and I don't know many of them. They're all kind of new to me for the most part. I know one or two of them but they're hailing from Brazil. You know Dr Cotton. Johnny is an endocrinologist and he was also helping formulate protocols. I know he's on board. And then there are some other well-known doctors from the United Kingdom and all over the world that have been named as fellows. So it's just expanding the sort of international presence of this organization and stepping into new arenas. You know, in the post-COVID era there's so much that needs to be addressed, from metabolic to cancer to mental health issues, and this organization has decided with their board of directors to take on those challenges.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's turn a corner here, and I want to ask you about a new organization that's begun here in South Carolina that had one of their inaugural meetings just last night, and that's the South Carolina Physicians for Freedom. They had a social last night here in Spartanburg, south Carolina, and I was going to ask you if you would just share a little bit about how that organization came to be and what they are all about.

Speaker 3:

Well, Robert, you should know as well as me, because you and I are both founding members of this, amongst other doctors like John Falcone and the Doctors' Divorce both of them as members but it's called the South Carolina Physicians for Freedom Organization. It's a new nonprofit and I know you were at an event they held last night, so why don't you tell the audience a little bit about that event and who was there and who the keynote speaker was?

Speaker 2:

Well, dr Salibi, it was a pretty remarkable event. It was an outdoor event, had remarkable weather, it was held at the home of Dr John Falcone home of Dr John Falcone and there were probably about 50 people there, about 12 physicians, an orthodontist and multiple nurse practitioners and physician's assistants. There were several legislators there. Our keynote speaker was Tanya Shelnut, who works with Alliance Defending Freedom. She's on their national organization and it was a very interesting event because you didn't have to walk on eggshells or worry about offending someone, as you shared your perspective about repurposed drugs or your perspective about the COVID vaccine or mask or lockdowns, as we often have to do when we're in medical circles.

Speaker 2:

And it was just a bunch of like-minded, freedom-loving people who are concerned about the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and concerned about the freedoms that we, as physicians have always enjoyed that have been eroded during the COVID crisis.

Speaker 2:

Ms Shelnut, who spoke for Alliance Defending Freedom, talked about how their organization defends parents whose parents' rights have been eroded, transgender issue and how schools have been secretly transitioning children in the schools without notifying parents, and she talked especially about how that organization helped us in South Carolina pass the Help Not Harm bill, which involves closing the sex transitioning clinics in South Carolina that were being paid for with taxpayers' dollars, and so there was a very interesting presentation that she made, and the point being that she and her organization would be helpful to us as physicians as we speak to legislators about doctor-patient relationship issues, as we, as physicians, address the legislation about COVID pandemic issues, they're right there with us addressing those issues, and so she had a very passionate presentation and she was well informed, and so I was very pleased to hear from her and we had lots of questions for her, and so it was a very interesting group of people, a very like-minded group of people, and it was a good kickoff for South Carolina Physicians for Freedom.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 3:

Yeah. I remember watching you during your testimony before the Senate on that special committee meeting and I think that recording went a little viral on the Internet. I remember a lot of people viewing it. Thank you, yeah, and you did a fantastic job. Quoting Dr Summerweiss and talking from the heart and answering some of those questions from some of the members on that committee did a fantastic job. But you were right, it's.

Speaker 3:

It's difficult for clinicians to get up there and voice their opinion and then just feel like they're out on their own as a lone warrior. And I think think we took some good clues from, or cues from, the North Carolina Physicians Freedom Movement group and kind of spawned our organization so we can emulate them. But yeah, they're a powerful, well-structured organization with a lot of members, well-structured organization with a lot of members, and I certainly hope that that happens for us down here, that we gain attention and awareness for clinicians and non-clinicians. So this morning actually, I was up early and I typed up a post on my sub stack basically discussing both North and South Carolina organizations and trying to promote awareness. So that's available on my sub stack if people want to go review it.

Speaker 3:

It's a very short posting but it encourages folks, both lay people, patients and the public, as well as clinicians, to join these organizations for their own protection and, if they have not have one in their local area, to start one or join one in their local area if they live in Arizona or California or Colorado. Because you know, we're under attack not only locally. Locally, like the state of south carolina has some issues, uh, with some of the medical boards and some of the uh government, um, uh agencies here in the state, but it's federal and then international. We've got the who that's trying to control what we do in this country as far as a pandemic response for the next, quote-unquote, next pandemic which may be around the corner and we will have no control over the way we practice or respond to it. It'll be sort of we've kind of given it up to speak to an international WHO, which I have my doubts is in the best interest of the person or our nation.

Speaker 2:

Now, one of the reasons that we need to be organized as physicians is that some of us went to Columbia to speak to the legislature. I appeared before the South Carolina Medical Affairs Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee, as did Dr DeVore, and when I spoke, dr Salivia, I really represented only myself. Dr DeVore represented only herself. The legislature appreciated our expertise and appreciated our input, but we only represented our individual selves. How much better would it have been if we were able to speak on behalf of 50, 100, or 200 physicians For an organization like South Carolina Physicians for Freedom. Our voice would have been much more potent, our voice would have been louder and stronger.

Speaker 2:

North Carolina has a Physicians for Freedom organization with 400 physicians. We need our South Carolina Physicians for Freedom organization to expand in size so that our voice would be much more potent, so that in the future, when one of our members goes to Columbia to speak to the legislature on an issue like the doctor-patient relationship, on an issue like a pandemic issue or a vaccine issue or a repurposed drug issue, that one of our members will speak with the backing of hundreds of member doctors and nurse practitioners and physician's assistants, and it will carry so much more credibility, so much more authority, so much more clout. So I'm encouraging our members and those in our listening audience who know of like-minded physicians and medical personnel have them contact our website and have their like-minded medical personnel friends to join our organization.

Speaker 3:

Right, well, that's, that is an amazing story, um, and I'm sure it impacted everyone. They're probably still thinking about it today, but at least we can claim one California convert, you know. And? But we need to, we need to crank it up and get more because, uh, you know, californians and Oregon and Washington state, at least in the bigger cities have been lost. I mean, they've lost their respect for fellow human beings, they've lost their way, they've lost their faith in God. And look at the consequence. You don't have to turn on CNN for five minutes before you see the catastrophic failure of local and state government in those Western states to realize they've got a big problem and if they don't get on top of it, those states will be lost.

Speaker 2:

JP, let me share one last anecdote before we conclude.

Speaker 2:

Last night at our event there was a gentleman from California he called himself a refugee from California who had just moved to South Carolina in recent months and he heard a state senator speak at our event who described the events of the last few years and he very confidently talked about his relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Speaker 2:

And then Ms Shelnut spoke and she described all the legislative affairs and events that she'd been involved with and she talked about her relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and how, ultimately, jesus is the true king and how we must put our confidence and trust in him.

Speaker 2:

And literally through tears, this man said that in all of his years of living in California and in all of the similar events that he had been to in California medical events he had never, ever heard a legislator speak the name of Jesus Christ and he had never heard a legislative aide or policymaker speak the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. And he said that he was so relieved to be in South Carolina and to be among a group of medical people who unapologetically spoke their allegiance to the Lord Jesus, who is the true king Absolutely. And when he said that, that whole group erupted in applause and I want you to know that it was an amazing moment and a highlight in that night's event, so moved by that group of people who pledged their allegiance to their patients, to medical freedom but, more importantly, to the true King, our Lord Jesus Christ. Well, dr Salibi, I thank you for being my guest on More Than Medicine. I hope you'll come back and be with us again.

Speaker 3:

Always a pleasure, robert, looking forward to the next time.

Speaker 2:

You're listening to More Than Medicine. I'm your host, Dr Robert Jackson, and we hope you'll come back and join us again next week.

Speaker 1:

Thank you for listening to this edition of More Than Medicine. For more information about the Jackson Family Ministry, dr Jackson's books, or to schedule a speaking engagement, go to their Facebook page, instagram or their webpage at jacksonfamilyministrycom. This podcast is produced by Bob Sloan Audio Production at bobsloancom.

Medical Censorship and Advancements in FLCCC
Physicians for Freedom Movement Development

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