More Than Medicine

COVID-19 Treatment Insights and Controversies: An Interview with Dr. Pierre Kory (Part One)

July 08, 2023 Dr. Robert E. Jackson / Dr. Pierre Kory Season 2 Episode 131
COVID-19 Treatment Insights and Controversies: An Interview with Dr. Pierre Kory (Part One)
More Than Medicine
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More Than Medicine
COVID-19 Treatment Insights and Controversies: An Interview with Dr. Pierre Kory (Part One)
Jul 08, 2023 Season 2 Episode 131
Dr. Robert E. Jackson / Dr. Pierre Kory

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Hold on tight as we navigate the turbulent waters of COVID-19 treatment with the fearless Dr Pierre Corey. Nicknamed "Lucky Pierre" for his astonishing success rate, this ICU specialist and pulmonologist has become a beacon of hope in a world grappling with the pandemic.  We also shine a light on the remarkable work of the COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, which has been pivotal in steering us through this tumultuous journey.

But prepare to have your faith in the medical fraternity shaken. Dr Corey's roller-coaster ride involves encounters with the medical establishment, big pharma, and government health organizations - and it is not all rosy. His Senate testimony that put corticosteroids in the spotlight, the subsequent backlash, and his battles with peer review and accusations of scientific misconduct are all part of his riveting story. His narrative will make you question everything you know about the integrity of the medical world.

We then plunge headfirst into the storm surrounding Ivermectin, a cost-effective drug that could have potentially disrupted the pharmaceutical industry's profit margins amidst the pandemic. Dr Kory lays bare the disinformation playbook used to suppress evidence and put pharma products on a pedestal. His book, The War on Ivermectin, is a compelling case study for anyone seeking to understand these practices. Wrapping up, Dr Corey offers invaluable advice on taking charge of your health and making informed decisions in this fog of misinformation.

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Hold on tight as we navigate the turbulent waters of COVID-19 treatment with the fearless Dr Pierre Corey. Nicknamed "Lucky Pierre" for his astonishing success rate, this ICU specialist and pulmonologist has become a beacon of hope in a world grappling with the pandemic.  We also shine a light on the remarkable work of the COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, which has been pivotal in steering us through this tumultuous journey.

But prepare to have your faith in the medical fraternity shaken. Dr Corey's roller-coaster ride involves encounters with the medical establishment, big pharma, and government health organizations - and it is not all rosy. His Senate testimony that put corticosteroids in the spotlight, the subsequent backlash, and his battles with peer review and accusations of scientific misconduct are all part of his riveting story. His narrative will make you question everything you know about the integrity of the medical world.

We then plunge headfirst into the storm surrounding Ivermectin, a cost-effective drug that could have potentially disrupted the pharmaceutical industry's profit margins amidst the pandemic. Dr Kory lays bare the disinformation playbook used to suppress evidence and put pharma products on a pedestal. His book, The War on Ivermectin, is a compelling case study for anyone seeking to understand these practices. Wrapping up, Dr Corey offers invaluable advice on taking charge of your health and making informed decisions in this fog of misinformation.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to More Than Medicine, where Jesus is more than enough for the ills that plague our culture and our country. Hosted by author and physician, dr Robert Jackson, and his wife Carlotta and daughter Hannah Miller. So listen up, because the doctor is in.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to More Than Medicine, i'm your host, dr Robert Jackson, bringing you biblical insights and stories from the country doctor's rusty, dusty scrapbook. Well, here we are again. I'm bringing to you discussions, rational, calm discussions, on a multiplicity of issues, and we are covering the southeast like the dew covers Dixie. Well, i'm delighted to have on our program today Dr Pierre Corey, who is calling in, i think, from New York, is that correct, pierre?

Speaker 3:

Well, I am from New York, but I now live in Wisconsin.

Speaker 2:

In Wisconsin, all right, so I was just diagnosing that from the phone call. So you're in Wisconsin and I'm delighted that you've called in. I'd love for you to tell my listeners a little bit about yourself and a little bit about your background, and then I have a whole list of questions that I'm just dying to ask you. So please go ahead and tell my listeners about yourself.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sure. So I am a board certified internist, intensivist and pulmonologist, so I'm an ICU specialist and a lung specialist, and I started my career in New York. I ran an ICU in Lower Manhattan for about 10 years and then got recruited to the University of Wisconsin where I was the critical care service chief and the head of the ICU there. I was there for about seven years And then in COVID.

Speaker 3:

I got really inspired by COVID and I would say that I became a clinical expert in the treatment of COVID and all its phases. I did that along with my colleagues in an organization that we co-founded, which was the COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance, a nonprofit that we've dedicated to medical education. Now we were expanding beyond COVID, but for a couple of years we were focused on protocols for prevention, early treatment, hospital treatment, and now my main focus is on treating long COVID with also post-COVID vaccine injury, and for that I have a private telehealth practice myself and my partner that can be accessed at drprchorycom, and I spent all my time trying to help these patients who are still quite sick, most of them from the vaccines. But we also have a fair amount of long COVID patients And one of the most complex diseases I've ever encountered, and we have lots to learn, but we're making really good progress.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's amazing. That is amazing. Well now, Dr Corey, you and your colleagues at the FLCCCA have been advocating treatment for ICU patients with COVID and later, acute therapy for anyone with acute COVID. That has been, and your treatment protocols have proven to be spot on, accurate and effective treatments, So much so that you've been dubbed Lucky Pierre by friends and antagonist. Now let me ask you this was your success? really? luck No?

Speaker 3:

not even close.

Speaker 2:

Not even close.

Speaker 3:

Well, Robbie, you know this. If I'm going to come out in public and make a recommendation on treatment, I'm going to make sure my ducks are in a row and I know what I'm doing. I'm not a careless. you have to be very careful if you're going to give people medical guidance. That's right. We were deeply studied on any guidance or any recommendations we made. We ensured there was sufficient data and clinical experience to recommend everything we made. We haven't made a mistake. The only mistake we made was one of omission, which is that I have to humbly admit we were late to really accepting that hydroxychloroquine was effective. We initially fell prey to the same thing that a lot of the country did, which is we believed those big randomized controlled trials in those big journals. We put a little bit too much emphasis on those trials, So it took us a while to figure out that that was one of the first frauds. Robert, we're going to talk about my book.

Speaker 2:

We will get there in a minute.

Speaker 3:

I just want to make the point that I think someone else could write the book The War on Hydroxychloroquine, because it was the same war, same tactics, same results.

Speaker 3:

We're now I meant to mention one more thing, robert, not to blow myself up too big, but I do want to say that before COVID and before we found this organization myself and my colleagues we were really well known in our specialty. All American is the most published practicing intensivist in the history of our specialty. He has an H index of something in the 70 or over 100. I mean, nobel Prize winners have H indexes of like 30. That's an index of how impactful your research and publications have been.

Speaker 3:

Umberto Meduri, my other colleague. He's a world expert on the use of cortical steroids and critical illness. And myself I was one of the pioneers in a field of critical care medicine which was called critical care ultrasonography or point of care ultrasonography, where we taught doctors how to use ultrasound to make life saving diagnosis. And I wrote a textbook that now it's in second edition seven languages. It's been translated. It's a very popular textbook And I was. I was well known for that around the country. I taught around the country for years. But you know, in COVID some of those stars can can drop pretty quickly if you go against the grain.

Speaker 2:

Oh, i know I've experienced that very same thing. I tell you a little anecdote at our local hospital, one of my personal friends and patients ended up in the ICU with long COVID, with COVID And he was on a ventilator for close to two and a half months And the protocol, of course, would not allow him to be treated with with ivermectin.

Speaker 2:

Well, his family went to court and a local judge said no, this is a right to treat state and the hospital has to treat him with ivermectin. Well, they said, if you can find a doctor in the system that would be willing to treat him, none of our ICU doctors will treat him with ivermectin.

Speaker 2:

Well well, many years ago, one of my father my father was a family doctor, one of my father's friends, my father and this friend of his. They helped to start the American Academy of Family Practitioners way, way, way back He told me. He said Dr Jackson, robert, don't ever surrender your ICU privileges. He said don't surrender any privileges for any reason. Well, i had treated a patient in ICU in 20 years, but I'd always maintained my ICU privileges. Every year I would sign up for them.

Speaker 2:

Well so this family came to me and said, well, you treat Chris, this was my friend. And I said, well, i have ICU privileges. And they said, well, we have to have a doctor who can administer ivermectin. So the hospital administration was astounded when they found out that there was a family practitioner who still had ICU privileges. So I go up there every day.

Speaker 2:

Pierre, for two and a half months, crushed up 30 milligrams of ivermectin and pushed it down his NG tube. We'll get this. In three days after starting it, his COVID encephalopathy resolved And ultimately ultimately they told me personally that he would not survive, but he did. They told me he would need a lung transplant, which he did not. And then he ultimately left home, left the hospital and went home with his family. And he's out there working full time fishing with his buddies And it's a miraculous thing. But here's part of the story. His ICU intensivist was afraid to death to even be associated with me. He was afraid to be around me And I gave him the ICU protocol that you guys promoted And when he saw it he looked at me and he said where did you get this?

Speaker 1:

I said I got it off the internet.

Speaker 2:

He looked at all of the footnotes. I mean there's like 300 footnotes attached to it. He read through all of this. He said I know all these doctors, I know all these articles, I know these people. And he was totally astounded, Pierre, by the research that went into that protocol And he folded up, put it in his pocket and he carried it with him everywhere he went. But the hospital would not allow the high dose vitamin C infusion or the thiamine or anything else. The only thing they allowed was the ivermectin that I gave him every day.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Let me say a couple of things about that. So was the attorney. do you remember if the attorney's name was Ralph Larigo?

Speaker 2:

No, we consulted with him, but it was a South Carolina attorney, Lauren Montell.

Speaker 3:

Okay, local attorney, because you know I want to mention Ralph because you know Ralph took the first case in the country is in January of 21, soon after my testimony.

Speaker 3:

And you know he ended up taking 200 cases over the next year and 80 cases went to court And he was winning the judge's orders early on. But then the hospital started to really bring out the teams of lawyers and they fought back tooth and nail And you know, and they were doing stuff like like that kind of happened in your case, which is, you know, the hospital would respond to the judge oh, we don't have a doctor on staff who's willing to sign that order, they don't want to treat. And so then the family would have to find either the primary care physician or some physician in the community who'd be willing to treat, and then sometimes it would be someone who didn't have privileges. So then the doctor the hospitals would kind of block, would not grant Privilege is quickly. Then then when we did find the doctor, then you found that they said, oh, we don't have any nurses who are willing to give the nurses wouldn't help me at all.

Speaker 2:

I had I had to go up there every single day, crush the pills and give them myself.

Speaker 3:

You're one of the heroes. I mean, there's another physician in Chicago named Alan Bain, the treating physician in a number of Ralph's cases and he was like driving around Chicago at night after his office hours administering the The. I've been making two patients and but here's, here's the, the most tragic thing about it all. So Ralph had 80 cases that went to court, he 140 and lost 40. Now are you sitting down because I'm gonna tell you what happened in those cases? so in the 40 cases That he lost, only two patients survived. Oh, in the 40 cases that he won, 38 survived. 38 out of the 40 got out of the hospital. In the cases that he won, he was successfully able to administer over Mekton.

Speaker 3:

And the last thing I want to say about that is that very good Mechanistic and physiologic reasons why patients improve rather rapidly. After I've remefted, you know it's just truly shocking about all the difficulties Ralph had. But you know, when you saw how successful he was and he was able to get a doctor and a nurse or a nurse to administer, you know, a doctor to order and a nurse to administer, i mean the almost all the patients survived. And when he couldn't get them I've met and almost all of them died.

Speaker 2:

That. That is shocking.

Speaker 3:

It makes me, it makes me ill to even hear that it is, it is right, and you know all this insanity with these randomized controlled trials. I mean, just look at that as a randomized control truck. Literally 40 cases.

Speaker 2:

That's all you need to know. That's all any judge needs to know exactly, exactly.

Speaker 3:

So, yeah, it's, it's. You know I appreciate your case and that you were one of those doctors who was, you know, willing to help out that patient and you had your privileges. I mean, that's a really cool story. And Your hero, you saved his life.

Speaker 2:

Well, let me ask you another question. When did you first begin to realize, pierre, that you couldn't trust the medical establishment or the big pharmacy companies, the CDC, the NIH, the academia, all the Entities that you and I grew up in medicine, trusting all of our medical career? What did you suddenly wake up and realize, you know what? I can't. I can't trust him anymore.

Speaker 3:

Right, that's such a good question because I would say it was slow. It was iterative and slow and for me, it really started. It's. I mean, obviously, it started after Iver Mectin. You know we were in the corticosteroid battle in the spring of 2020. I mean that that's. You know, i testified in the Senate in May of 2020, basically telling the world that you needed to use corticosteroids in the hospital phase of the disease, and I did that at a time when every national and international health care agency was saying don't use corticosteroids. And I, i didn't know that was fraud then or corruption then, and that's still a case that has to be investigated and what it is being investigated, but anyway, i didn't know that was fraud and corruption. I just thought, robert, i literally thought that Doctors were just being stupid and just didn't understand that it worked and they were waiting for their trust. I just thought it was more kind of ignorance and just the state of medicine just being Sort of just you know, status quo and just the inertia of big big, big, big medicine.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the effects of this you know, obsession with the evidence-based medicine. I just thought it was something around that like it was more of an intellectual problem than a corruption problem. So so that's where I started in May. you know, i didn't know the complicity in this unholy alliance that we're going to talk about. But, you know, after I testified about Iver Macton, you know the things that happened were just so strange and alarming. But, like I thought, when I gave my testimony to, you know, senator Johnson's, you know Senate hearings and the testimony went viral, suddenly the entire world seemingly was talking about ivermectin because there were organizations all over the world that were translating my testimony And suddenly everybody had a disinterest in ivermectin.

Speaker 3:

I thought, if you believe this, i literally thought at the time that our paper I thought I had a review paper with that 32 trials, 16 randomizers, immense amount of data, i had health ministry data showing how well it was working I thought it would be systematically deployed in the prevention and treatment of COVID worldwide. And that's not what happened. You know, what happened was that within two days of my testimony, the Associated Press wanted to interview me And we were so excited because there's a what better way to get the evidence of efficacy of ivermectin out to the world than the Associated Press. I do this interview. it's a 20 minute interview. I give her all of this data. The article comes out the next day and it's a complete hit job on ivermectin, just lumping it in with hydroxychloroquine, another medicine to be debunked.

Speaker 3:

Then they talk about some couple that died after taking some fish cleaner that had chloroquine in it. I mean, it was outrageous.

Speaker 2:

I remember that article, i do Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And we filed an ethics complaint against the Associated Press. We were shocked that this could happen And that's how naive I was at the time And that happened within two days And then within the next two months. So many things happened against us and to us, Like, for instance, my review paper which passed peer review, three rounds of rigorous peer review with top level scientists reviewing it, And it was supposed to be published at a rather high impact journal called the Frontiers in Pharmacology, And they wouldn't publish it When people were dying. It was the winter of 2020, 2021, and they were refusing to publish it. And I finally accused the Journal of Scientific Misconduct Because we kind of figured out that the fix was in against ivermectin.

Speaker 3:

And it turns out that the editor then talked to my issue editor and they retracted it without peer review. They did not provide us reasons why they did not give us the opportunity to revise the paper, which is normal. If a peer reviewer objects to your paper, you revise it And they just retracted it. And in cumulative careers of myself and my colleagues I think over 1,500 peer review publications we'd never had anything retracted. And you can't retract anything unless there's known fraud or plagiarism. And so, basically, to your question. That's when I started to suspect that there were forces out there that were working through not only media but journals. We'll come to the agencies in a second. I saw the agency behavior as well, But they're really all kind of a part of the same system.

Speaker 3:

And then I learned for me like the really and I talk about this in the book, but like the day that I'll never forget occurred early at March 2021. And I got this email from a guy named Professor William B Grant. He's one of the most published researchers on vitamin D science in the world And didn't know who he was. He writes me an email. He says, dear Dr Corey, what they are doing to ivermectin, they've been doing to vitamin D for decades. And then he included a link to an article which was called the Disinformation Playbook And you can Google it. Still number one hit when you Google it.

Speaker 3:

But I click on this article and I was transformed, like literally. It basically described that when industries encounter science that's inconvenient to their interest, they deploy disinformation tactics. And they laid out five tactics. They're named after American football plays like the fake, the fix, the diversion, the screen, the blitz. And I'm reading these examples of how industries deployed these tactics to very suppressed, distort or contradict inconvenient science And it was like a click when I was like That's what's happening light bulb went off.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was a light bulb went off, it was like fireworks and I mean, i was like we myself the FLCCC. We are in the middle of a massive disinformation campaign against. I've met him and all of the examples in that article. I was like they did that yesterday, they, they did that three times last week. You know they're trying to do that now and and I saw it suddenly I could see clearly at what a world that I had thought had gone mad Suddenly made a lot of sense and it was kind of scary because it made sense in a way that you know, you know led to some really uncomfortable insights.

Speaker 2:

The disinformation. What playbook?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the disinformation playbook and it's, it's. It's an article written by. It's put it's on an organization. It's on a website by the organization for concerned scientists. Okay, and they wrote this article in 2017 and I mean, this was well before COVID.

Speaker 3:

And and just so you know that, the history of these Kind of campaigns I mean the ones who pioneered it the most was the tobacco industry. They use disinformation for 50 years to try to bury the evidence of, you know, the harms of tobacco And, and you know so, all industries do this. They use the same playbook and it's not just farmer, it's colon gas, it's agriculture. You know it, they all do it, and and that's how they, that's how they can conduct their business without Resistance, because they can bury distort science. That's inconvenient and you know the point is.

Speaker 3:

So I learned about disinformation and then I learned about the history of Disinformation campaigns on repurposed off patent drugs and I mean they've been doing that for decades. I mean, the pharmaceutical industry is totally built. I mean their business model, their Achilles heel, is off patent drugs. They need you to get the pricey new patented pharmaceutical. That's how that, that that industry is repacious. It's criminal. It's one of the most profitable on earth and They, they know those campaigns and they've been doing in oncology and cardiology Psychiatry for decades.

Speaker 3:

And so here I am. I realize that myself and my little organization, the bad news bears. We are in the middle of a global disinformation campaign by the pharmaceutical industry against the drug that is the most threatening in history, because, think about it, robert Ivermectin threatened a market that had opened up for that criminal industry overnight. North of 100 billion if you total the vaccines, paxlovid, monopyrvir, monoclonal antibodies, you name it. Massive markets opened up with COVID and Ivermectin threatened all of it. Ivermectin is pennies to manufacture. Every country has manufacturers, it's ubiquitous, it's available everywhere and never have they ever been so threatened and never have they fought so hard.

Speaker 2:

They would have cut the struts out from every one of those big new products.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, you would have demolished, obliterated the profits. and most particularly is the vaccine campaign. Yeah, right, and I'm pulling out and I've got to mention vaccines. So that's why the book is called The War and Ivermectin and I consider the book really an in-depth front row seat to that campaign because once I knew what was going on, i started the document and I just wrote and wrote and I wrote notes and I just saw everything that they were doing and pulling and my understanding got better. And so it's kind of the book is it's a personal narrative It's autobiographical.

Speaker 3:

I talk about the formation of that, my things that we encountered in our careers, and then what the war and Ivermectin was like and how we fought it, and so I consider the book also the central part of the book. It's really a case study of how disinformation is practiced, and I nailed them on everything, robert. I nailed them on every document, everything they pulled, every single tactic, how they pulled it, who pulled it I have names in there. I know who's complicit in a lot of those actions. And so I think it's a case study for the world, because, unless you realize that this is happening not only in medicine, but it happens around a lot of other issues facing society today, there are massive vested corporate interests who don't want you to know the truth about what's going on and what's going to affect your health and science behind what they're selling.

Speaker 2:

All right And tell my listening audience the full name of your book and how they can get that book.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so it's called The War on Ivermectin, the medicine that saved millions and could have ended the pandemic. You can buy it on Amazon or you can buy it from DelbigTree's ICANN organization, so ICANNorg And also there's, and then it's in bookstores but it's having a problem in bookstores. Someone just wrote to me today that they heard that their local Barnes and Nobles had it. They went, they couldn't find it. They were looking everywhere and it was like buried on like the bottom shelf And he was pretty convinced it's on purpose. And I also have getting reports like libraries won't order it, they say we're not interested, and so like there's, you know, part of the book. It's really you know most of the campaigns it's about propaganda and censorship And the censorship that came out in COVID and that continues today is unprecedented. I mean it's global right, the consolidation of media with, you know, owned by like five companies. I mean once the media gets the memo you know you're locked down, it's over.

Speaker 2:

Well, now I keep. I keep hearing that your book keeps climbing and climbing on the best seller list. How is that going?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's going pretty well, It's selling And you know I, you know I also have. I should mention my co-writer. Her name is Jenna McCarthy And I actually was working with a couple of co-writers that just didn't work out And I met her and she was so brilliant And she really helped craft like a very easy to read, Okay, fast-paced narrative and people love the book. I've heard so many people say they can't put it down.

Speaker 2:

Well, let me say I'm the same way I started it and I'm halfway through and I was up way past my bedtime reading this book and I want you to know. It's a fascinating read, it's a fast read, it's full of information. Now it's emotionally challenging. I want you to know I was angry.

Speaker 3:

You lived it, Robert.

Speaker 2:

I did I lived it and I was very upset so much of the time reading this because it brought back a lot of hurtful memories. But it's a good read and my listening audience needs peer. They need to get this book and read it because it's not that technical, it's written in layman's language and my listeners will understand what physicians have gone through and what folks on the front line like yourself endured in the early stages of this war. I commend it. I commend it highly to my listeners.

Speaker 1:

You've been listening to part one of Dr Jackson's interview with Dr Pierre Corrie. Dr Corrie is an award-winning board certified specialist in pulmonary disease, internal and critical care medicine. To find out more about Dr Jackson, order one or all of his four books or to schedule him to speak at your next event, go to JacksonFamilyMinistrycom. And don't forget to like, follow and share this podcast with family and friends. Also, if you've found this to be a blessing or got something beneficial out of today's podcast or any of Dr Jackson's episodes, please leave us a five-star review and tell us about it, and remember to listen to part two of the interview with Dr Corrie next week.

Medical Expert Discusses COVID Treatment
Lost Trust in Medical Establishment
The War on Ivermectin
Interview With Dr. Pierre Corrie

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